Finding Certainty in Uncertainty

Not gonna lie here- there are a few things in life happening right now that I just don’t have any answers to. In fact, I’m not even certain what I do today will lead to a specific result tomorrow. I’m not certain that I will ever get the answers to the questions I’ve been asking for months now. I’m not certain that we will be where we are in a year from today. And yet this uncertainty robs me of my presence and instead brings on worry, stress, fears and just some negative story telling that occurs in my mind.

I came to a revelation over the last few weeks that stopped me in my tracks – I can continue to ask the questions I need to gain the clarity I desire AND ALSO I can take control of what I can do in the meantime to fulfill my own needs. That revelation is one that is so powerful for me. It actually brings so much peace and stops the negative stories in my mind about all of those “What If’s” that have no purpose or healthy resolution.

This is such a timely conversation to have in the world today as news continues to break with updates of the coronavirus. To be honest, I seriously went down a black hole over the weekend after hearing there was the first death reported here in the state of WA. Going to Costco then added to that anxiety as I watched tons of people shop for an emergency and clear the water from the shelves. Later that night I took a moment to get grounded and tell myself, "Yes, there’s a lot I don’t know. BUT what I am certain of is having the knowledge and capability to wash our hands, keep our coughs and sneezes contained, and stay away from the sick. That’s the certainty that I need to show up the best I can during this nationwide alert that is impacting lives.”

You see, finding certainty is absolutely healthy for the sake of clarity, assurance, and direction. But driving ourselves bonkers for having such uncertainty when asking questions or not having all the information desired is unacceptable. There will always be something that you can do, think or feel that you and you only have control over.

I choose to create my own reality, my own direction and my own power to drive forward taking imperfect action.

What do you typically do in the state of uncertainty? What else is possible when you don’t have all the answers?

Light + Love,


Ready to take action on creating your own certainty? Click here to schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Session Call with me!