Find Ways to Restore Yourself
As we near the end of the year, I’m not gonna lie – I’m riding the struggle bus straight into exhaustion. I mean, hello 2020!
I am more and more aware of listening to my body and the signals it provides me when I’m tired, when I need to shut my mind off and simply restore my energy. Over the Thanksgiving break, I fully unplugged myself and stayed away from my computer screens for about 5 days. IT. FELT. GLORIOUS.
I went into Monday feeling charged and rested. I felt like the clouds in my brain had parted and I was seeing blue skies! Then I started to ask myself, why did I wait so long to do that?
The pandemic definitely has shifted life and we never seem to be really settling on a “done” state. I am finding continuous moments of learning, growing, recalibrating and resetting to do live all over again each waking day. It’s extremely valuable to be intentional with how and when we restore ourselves in the midst of it all.
I want to share with you 4 things that are helping me intentionally restore myself:
Use the weekends to unplug – I have to ask myself, “What’s the thing(s) you find yourself doing the most during the week?” and then be willing to put that thing on the bench for the weekend. I give myself permission to step away from the day to day tasks and step into a reset day doing things that I just can’t find the time to do throughout the week.
Swap the phone for a book – I really want to pour more time into reading more. I have so many good books I’ve collected (and lots on my book list) to indulge in. Yet, I seem to lose a sense of time by the end of the day and find myself on the couch scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. I want to spend more time reading compelling stories rather than watching 30-second “stories” on social media so I place a book near my couch at arms reach during those commercials!
Spend some QT outdoors – I have grown to love my surroundings more and more, particularly since we are covered in tall pine trees and gorgeous hills in the state of WA. Every single time I make it outside, I feel so refreshed and grounded when I come back inside the house. Mother nature is an incredible gift to remind us of the beauty of God’s country.
Meditate each day – I am a huge fan of this one, and I prefer to start my day in meditation Monday through Sunday. There’s nothing better than quieting the to do list and thoughts to connect my mind, body and soul. I feel completely in my own skin and connected with a greater purpose than what might be surfacing my ego.
I hope these tips can help you stir up some ideas on the ways you restore yourself. Be sure to honor your energy and restore your mind and body regularly and frequently. Let’s not lose sight of ourselves in the chaos and instead rejoice in the true Christmas spirit through connection and love.
Light + Love,
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